Faculty — JUNG Archademy
JUNG Archademy

The Heroine’s Journey Reading Group starts April 3 •  The Question of Evil with Dr. Lionel Corbett • starts April 5


Our Faculty

Jungian Analyst and Author Jason E. Smith

Jason E. Smith, IAAP

Jason E. Smith is an author and Jungian analyst in private practice in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. He was previously the president of the Training Board of the C. G. Jung Institute in Boston. He received his Master’s degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute and graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute - Boston with a diploma in Analytical Psychology.

Jason is the creator and host of the podcast, Digital Jung: The Symbolic Life in a Technological Age and the author of Religious But Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life (2020).

Video Courses available now:
Anatomy of the Psyche Reading Group

His past course offerings have included:

The Spirit Mercurius - Jungian Alchemical Studies Reading Group
Ego and Archetype Reading Group
The Symbol of the Grail: Parzival and the Path of Individuation
The Secret of the Golden Flower Reading Group

Writer and educator Béa Gonzalez, M.A.

Béa Gonzalez, M.A.

Béa Gonzalez is a writer, lecturer, and educator. She has an MA in History and Literature from the University of London. Her novels have been published in Canada by HarperCollins and in seven other countries. Her second novel, The Mapmaker's Opera, was adapted into a musical by Kevin Purcell and featured at the 2014 New York Musical Theatre Festival. She is also the founder of SophiaCycles, a project aimed at teaching metaphorical thinking through an examination of classical works, myth and fairy tales, and she co-hosts two podcasts: Gatherings and Archetypes and the Planets.

Her upcoming courses include:

The Archetypal Venus • Wednesdays starting Feb. 12, 2025

Jungian Analyst David Pressault

David pressault, IAAP

David Pressault is a Jungian analyst with a strong background in the Arts. He has a Masters in dance from UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) and was a professional dancer and choreographer for 20 years. He developed a relationship to the unconscious through that art form. Today, he works in private practice and is a faculty member of the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts.

Join David for:

Eros: Love, Passion & Transformation • Dec. 4 & 11

THE JOURNEY COURSE • Thursdays beginning Jan. 9
A 20 week exploration of Jungian psychology’s core themes and their influence on your life

Video Courses available now:
Creativity, Freedom & Our Parental Complexes
The Symbolic Language of Dreams
On The Persona - Coming soon


Cynthia Cavalli, Ph. D.

Cynthia cavalli, ph. d.

Cynthia Cavalli, Ph. D., is a systems and organizational management consultant specializing in strategy development, future studies, and the dynamics of change and transformation. She has 30 years of experience in aerospace engineering, a Ph.D. in Human Systems, an MBA, and a BS in Physics. Dr. Cavalli utilizes a unique approach to individual and organizational transformation that integrates the principles of complexity science and Jungian psychology. Her website is: CavalliCoaching.com

Coming soon:
Synchronicity and the Goddess of Meaning with Cynthia Cavalli Ph.D. and Gary S. Bobroff, M.A. • March-April 2025
Jung and Complexity

Jungian analyst Elisabeth Pomès, IAAP


Originally from France, Elisabeth Pomès is a Jungian analyst in prviate practice in Toronto, Canada and online and a faculty member of Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts. She has Bachelor of Music (Université de Montréal), a Master of Music (University of Toronto), and a Master's Degree in Literature (Paris). She has given concert and opera performances on both sides of the Atlantic and is the developer of Performance Without Fear, a course in which she used her background in singing, yoga, Qigong, meditation and psychotherapy to help artists release tension both physically and psychologically. She belongs to the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts (OAJA) and is a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO).

Fathers & Daughters - Feb 2025

Future offerings:
C. G. Jung’s concept of Eros

Recent courses:
Animus: Friend or Foe

Dr. Lionel Corbett, IAAP

Dr. lionel corbett, IAAP

Dr. Lionel Corbett trained in medicine and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Dr. Corbett is a professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California, where he teaches depth psychology.

He is the author of numerous professional papers and six books: Psyche and the Sacred; The Religious Function of the Psyche; The Sacred Cauldron: Psychotherapy as a spiritual practice; The Soul in Anguish: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Suffering, and Understanding Evil: A Guide for Psychotherapists and his latest: The God-image: From Antiquity to Jung. He is the co-editor of four volumes of collected papers: Psyche’s Stories; Depth Psychology, Meditations in the Field; Psychology at the Threshold;  Jung and Aging.

Join Dr. Corbett for The Question of Evil with Dr. Lionel Corbett • Saturdays starting April 5

His upcoming video course offerings include:
The God-Image and the Self: From antiquity to Jung
Introduction to Jungian Psychology


Begüm GÜrses-Sulzer, MSC., IAAP 


Begüm is an Istanbul-born Jungian analyst based in Switzerland. For the majority of her life,  Begüm has been a helper. Besides her Jungian practice, she worked as a learning support for neurodiverse children, as a social worker with adults with autism (and with violent behavior), and she volunteered and later worked for an NGO.  “The helper” role has been a  theme that touched and intrigued her deeply, which brought her to the writing of her Jungian Diploma thesis on this topic.

Begüm grew passionate about helping helpers in and outside their helper role. As a helper, she aims to raise awareness of the unspoken aspects, challenges, and blindspots of being a helper. She offers courses and group work focusing on helping professions, and burnout. You can find more about her work at www.begumgurses.com

Her upcoming live courses include:

Interpreting Fairy Tales: The Goose Girl • March 15 & 22

Greg Bogart, PhD, MFT

Greg Bogart, PhD, MFT

Greg Bogart, PhD, MFT is a San Francisco Bay Area psychotherapist who has also practiced astrology professionally since 1981. His work unites dream studies, clinical research, humanistic astrology, attachment theory, Jungian depth psychology, Psychosynthesis, and dynamic group process work.
He is the author of Dreamwork and Self-Healing, and Dreamwork in Holistic Psychotherapy of Depression, Planets in Therapy: Predictive Technique and the Art of Counseling and Astrology as a Therapeutic Art: Healing Human Relationships.  His other books include Astrology and Spiritual Awakening, Astrology’s Higher Octaves and In the Company of Sages. Greg is a lecturer in psychology at Sonoma State University. Previously he taught for 20 years in the Counseling Psychology, East-West Psychology, and Community Mental Health Programs at California Institute of Integral Studies, John F. Kennedy University, Dominican University, and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University). www.dawnmountain.comwww.gregbogart.net

His upcoming courses include:

Mythology and Individuation Part One: Western Mythology • Wednesdays starting March 19

His past course offerings include:
Jung, Astrology & Dreams
Astrology and Jungian Depth Psychology

Muriel Mcmahon, M. Ed., IAAP

Muriel Mcmahon, m. ed., iaap

Muriel McMahon, M. Ed., is a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst who leads an international weekly fairy tale seminar. Trained extensively in indigenous wisdom traditions, Muriel is a Keeper of Stories. She formerly served as chair of the Fairy Tale Certification program with The Assisi Institute, a training analyst and faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich, the managing editor of the Assisi Journal, and the director of studies for The Assisi Institute’s Archetypal Pattern Analyst program. Based in Canada, she has a busy online international praxis and has offered workshops and teachings in Russia, Zurich, Colombia, France, United States, and Canada. Muriel has a passion for story and the ways in which our wounds and our wonders are expressed in the enduring narrative of our lives. Her website is: murielmcmahon.com

Her past course offerings include:

Where Are the Old Men?

Her current course offerings include:
Baba Yaga: Once There Were Old Women - Video Seminar


Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D.

Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D.

Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D. is a Jungian psychologist, writer, teacher and coach who provides services throughout the world. He has authored two major books, Alchemical Psychology, Old Recipes for Living in a New World (Putnam 2002) and Embodying Osiris, the Secrets of Alchemical Transformation (Quest 2010) as well as many articles in Psychological Perspectives and The Alchemical Journal. He is a yearly contributor of book reviews and film criticism for The Jung Journal. He gives workshops and seminars at Jungian Institutes, mystery schools, and conferences. His websites are: AlchemicalWorks.com and CavalliCoaching.com

Coming this fall:
The Alchemical Shadow - Oct-Nov 2024

His current video course offerings include:
An Introduction to Alchemical Psychology

His past live courses included:
Jungian Alchemical Healing

Mariana Louis, M.A.

Mariana Louis, M.A.

Mariana Louis, M.A. is a professional tarot counselor, scholar, and creator of Persephone's Sister, a platform for psycho-spiritual education and guidance. After stumbling upon The Undiscovered Self in her grandfather's attic library, Mariana entered into Jungian analysis and began her academic study of analytical psychology. This led her to pursue a degree in Western Intellectual Traditions at the CUNY Graduate Center, where she focused on archetypal perspectives of occultism and transformations of the feminine principle. Mariana then integrated her scholarship into her developing expertise in the tarot and formulated an approach she calls Archetypal Tarot. She teaches this approach, which marries Jungian concepts with the symbolic depth of the tarot, in the well-received Archetypal Tarot School. Mariana also holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Hunter College, and is a published lyricist and poet. Learn more about Mariana at: https://persephonessister.com/

Her upcoming courses include:

Psyche and Tarot - Tuesdays beginning Jan. 14, 2025

Gary S. Bobroff, M.A.


Gary S. Bobroff founded Jungian Online in 2011 and JUNG Archademy in 2021. He grew up in the ‘jewel of the prairies’, the Canadian city of Saskatoon, SK. He was the beneficiary of a tremendous public education, one that included doing the MBTI™ at age 13. Alongside an early career in technology, he completed a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, Canada and a Master’s degree in Jungian-oriented Counselling Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute of Santa Barbara, CA.

He is a certified administrator of the MBTI™ and has been working with it and an archetypal personality developed by Antonia ‘Toni’ Wolff for over 25 years – Archetypal Nature.

Gary speaks and gives seminars internationally and is the author of the Jungian psychology best seller: Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung (London: Arcturus Books 2020). The website for his writing and other work is: GSBobroff.com

Join Gary for:

Introduction to Jungian Psychology - Thursdays starting May 1, 2025

Synchronicity and the Goddess of Meaning with Cynthia Cavalli) - February 2025

Archetypal Insights into Human Nature


Chantal Powell, Ph. D.


Chantal Powell is an UK-based artist, educator and curator. Her art practice explores the symbolic language of the unconscious and is informed by a PhD in social psychology (Southampton University, UK) and an ongoing study of Jungian theory and inner alchemy.

Over recent years she has been researching first-hand the imagery in alchemical manuscripts and notebooks from the 15th and 16th century. Combining archetypal symbols from these sources alongside those from mythology and personal inner work, she makes art that brings awareness to the importance of energy-filled symbols to connect us to a world beyond that of the rational conscious.

Chantal is also the founder of the artist residency program Hogchester Arts in West Dorset and hosts the speaker program "The Red Book Club". She presents illustrated talks and workshops on psychological alchemy from an artist’s perspective and has co-curated exhibitions with a focus on archetypally symbolic art. 

Her upcoming courses include:

The Symbolic Language of the Unconscious - Sundays beginning Jan. 12, 2025

Jayson Wong, IAAP

Jayson Wong, M.a., iaap

Jayson Wong, M.A (IAAP) is a registered psychotherapist and Jungian analyst in private practice in Ontario and a faculty member of the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts.

He received a B.A. in philosophy and M.A. in the field of religious studies, with major in Buddhism. He taught for five years as instructor at Nalanda College of Buddhist Studies in Toronto.

A primary interest of is in the area of religious studies, in particular the religious ideas and practices of Taoism, of Buddhism, of the I Ching and also the mystical traditions of Christian teachings. He has presented seminars for the public and taught courses for training-candidates in the above areas in the context of Jungian psychotherapy. He considers the role that spirituality plays in psychotherapy as well as the role that psychotherapy plays in the development of one’s spiritual consciousness. In his autobiography, Jung writes:

“The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. . . . If we understand and feel that here in this life we already have a link with the infinite, desire and attitudes change. In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential we embody, and if we do not embody that, life is wasted.” 

His recent course offerings include:
The Tao of Psychology
Time and Timelessness: Working with the I Ching and Jungian Psychotherapy

Artist and educator Ann McCoy, M.A.

Ann McCoy, M.A.

Ann McCoy is a New York-based sculptor, painter, and art critic, and Editor at Large for the Brooklyn Rail. She is an artist with a fifty year career, and known for her large scale drawings of the dream world. Her work is found in many museum collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Los Angeles County Museum and many others and was featured in the Venice Biennale 1985 Art and Alchemy curated by Arturo Schwarz. She was awarded a 2019 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in art. She lectured on art history, the history of projection, and mythology in the graduate design section of the Yale School of Drama until May 2020, and taught in the Art History Department at Barnard College from 1980 through 2000.

Ann worked with Prof. C.A. Meier for twenty-eight years in Zurich and with James Kirsch in Los Angeles. She has a background in Jungian psychology and philosophy. She has studied alchemy since the early seventies in Zurich, and Rome at the Vatican Library. Most of her work is based on her dreams, and their relationship to alchemical texts, and Christian alchemy in particular. For McCoy, alchemy is a symbolic language of processes dealing with spiritual transformation. Incarnation of spirit into matter is the key concept of the alchemical practice. The imagination is the gateway to the gods. Ann lectures on Jung and the artistic process from over fifty years of analytical experience and feels strongly that creative people have a unique approach to the unconscious that comes from working with actual materials, and in-between dream states.

Her upcoming course offerings include:

Jung and Contemporary Art (Vol. 1) - Mar-Apr 2025

Her recent course offerings included:
Jung, Art & the Alchemical Imagination